by cpaadmin | Oct 15, 2024 | 401k Auto-Enrollment, 401k Communication, 401k Compliance, Employee Addition, Regulations & Policies, Safe Harbor 401(k)
Autumn is well underway, and with it comes those seasonal tasks: Hire the neighborhood kid to rake fallen leaves… Check. Stock up on candy for Halloween trick-or-treaters… Check. Put together this year’s annual 401(k) plan notices… Check?! Consider this a gentle...
by cpaadmin | Aug 18, 2020 | Audit Deadlines, Audit Procedures
Fall is an especially busy time in the world of 401k plan administration. If you aren’t prepared for it, the sheer volume of work can take you by surprise. You’ll want to stay on top of several reporting requirements, tax forms, employee notices, and deadlines. Here...