Are you retaining your digitally signed payroll Form I-9 correctly? You might not be.
Updating your payroll procedures for paperless, electronic documents? Good. Improperly retaining said documents, putting you out of compliance with federal policy and regulation?...
What is a SOC report and why plan sponsors should review it each year
So, what is a SOC report? Many plan sponsors of 401(k) and other benefit plans outsource critical plan tasks to outside service providers or vendors like payroll servicers,...
Year-end is coming! Complete these year-end 401(k) plan tasks to stay compliant
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” Frozen turkeys go on sale, holiday carols fill the airwaves… and retirement plan sponsors check off those year-end 401(k) plan tasks...
Annual 401(k) plan notices are due December 2. Are you ready?
Autumn is well underway, and with it comes those seasonal tasks: Hire the neighborhood kid to rake fallen leaves… Check. Stock up on candy for Halloween trick-or-treaters… Check....
Understanding your fiduciary responsibilities as a 401(k) plan sponsor
Understanding your fiduciary responsibilities as a 401(k) plan sponsor is critical to staying compliant and protecting yourself from personal liability. In short, no matter what,...
Avoid a costly mistake: Deposit 401(k) plan contributions and loan payments on time
We’ve heard it all, over the 10+ years Cassell Plan Audits has been operating. Excuses like, “It wasn’t that late” and “We didn’t know” when our clients didn't deposit 401(k)...
What happens if I miss a 401k plan audit deadline?
As a plan sponsor, you’ve got a lot on your plate, and it’s easy to back-burner certain tasks—like your annual 401(k) audit. If you're wondering (hypothetically or not), "What...
Is your 401(k) plan “large” or “small”? —for audit purposes, that is.
Here’s how to determine the number of qualifying participants for your 401(k) audit. The total number of participants with balances in your retirement plan drives how the...
How to streamline your 401(k) plan audit
As a plan sponsor of a 401(k) plan that requires an annual audit, you’ve probably wondered in frustration, “Why does it take so long?” Here’s how to streamline your 401(k) plan audit.
Hiring a 401(k) plan auditing firm? Ask these two questions first.
Hiring a 401(k) plan auditing firm is an important decision. Here’s how to ensure that you choose the right auditor for your next benefit plan audit. Did you know that auditors...
How to prepare for your first 401(k) plan audit
For employers or plan sponsors with 401(k) plans with 100 or more participants with balances, here’s how to prepare for your first 401(k) plan audit. Step One: Determine whether...
A quick-and-easy checklist for your next 401(k) plan audit
As a seasoned plan sponsor, this is not your first audit. Here is a quick-and-easy checklist for your next 401(k) plan audit so you catch what may have changed—on your side or...

Cassell Plan Audits, Inc.
2400 East Main Street, Suite 103-228
Saint Charles, Illinois 60174