Top 3 errors on 401(k) plan audits in 2023 (#3 will surprise you)
We learn the most indelible lessons from our mistakes, right? This year, save yourself (and your auditor!) time and headaches by learning from someone else’s mistakes. Fresh out...
Effective 1-1-24: New treatment of LTPT employees mandated by IRS
It’s official! The IRS (finally!) released guidance on the new treatment of LTPT employees (long-term part-time) vis-a-vis your 401(k) plan. And not a moment too soon! Changes...
Growing 401(k) plan? The 80/120 rule could save you time and money.
If your 401(k) plan is close to hitting “large” by DOL rules at the start of your plan year, the 80/120 rule could save you time and money. It happens. You begin a new...
How to choose the right 401(k) plan auditor
Wondering how to choose the right 401(k) plan auditor for your organization? Here’s what to look for—and avoid—in selecting your auditing firm. If your company’s 401(k)...
Know who’s who: Your 401(k) plan service providers
There are many service providers on your 401(k) plan team. Here’s what their roles are and what to expect from each of them. To keep your 401(k) plan sustainable, successful, and...
Got M&A? Don’t forget to consider 401(k) plans in your merger or acquisition.
Don't get surprised at audit time. Stay compliant when handling the 401(k) or benefits plans during a merger or acquisition. Merging or holding companies? Buying a business?...
What are Agreed-Upon Procedures, and when do you need them?
Don't require a full-scale audit? There's an alternative: agreed-upon procedures. In our last blog, we discussed changes to 401(k) audit requirements that mean many small and...
A new DOL policy means you may not need a 401(k) plan audit. (Here’s what you need to know).
A new DOL policy means you may not need a 401(k) plan audit. On February 23, the Department of Labor, IRS, and Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation unveiled major changes to...
Overwhelmed by your 401k auditor’s questionnaires? (We hate them too.)
Plan sponsors and advisors, building a relationship with your 401k or benefits plan auditor is better than any questionnaire. Here's why. No matter if you’re a 401(k) plan...
Review BEFORE the audit: not every income type is the same
Imagine this: The sales team has the best quarter ever. Five of seven team members win record-breaking performance bonuses. To keep the momentum going, they are sent to a...
You’ve changed payroll providers—Here’s what NOT to do to stay 401(k)-compliant
ADP, Gusto, Paychex, and the rest... they make payroll (and life) easier. Small businesses can save millions of dollars a year by forgoing an internal payroll department and...
Save time: How to get organized before your next audit
We know, nobody loves to do an audit. (If you did, you’d be working here.) 401(k) audits may look time-consuming, but nothing about them is left to chance. The more organized you...

Cassell Plan Audits, Inc.
2400 East Main Street, Suite 103-228
Saint Charles, Illinois 60174