by cpaadmin | Aug 18, 2021 | 401k Audit Firm, 401k Compliance Error, 401k Plan Audit, 401k Plan Audit Documentation, Audit Procedures, Eligible compensation discrepancies, Employee Corrective Contribution
It happens… you’ve performed your audit and discovered some discrepancies. If you’ve ever found yourself in this position, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, eligible compensation errors are so common that they’re included in the IRS...
by cpaadmin | Jul 22, 2021 | 401k Audit Firm, 401k Plan Audit, 401k Plan Audit Documentation, Merger & Acquisitions, Plan Sponsors, Record Retention, Retirement Plan
Congratulations to your organization, on selling (or buying) a business! Now comes the fun part: Figuring out what to do with all of those employee records. When you’re a 401(k) retirement plan sponsor, the question of what to retain through the merger and...
by cpaadmin | May 9, 2016 | Cyber Safety
Cyber threats pose a growing threat to businesses across all industry sectors, as many rely heavily on the internet as a means to communicate, share sensitive information and transact business. Plan Sponsors collect sensitive information from participants during plan...