by cpaadmin | Oct 15, 2024 | 401k Auto-Enrollment, 401k Communication, 401k Compliance, Employee Addition, Regulations & Policies, Safe Harbor 401(k)
Autumn is well underway, and with it comes those seasonal tasks: Hire the neighborhood kid to rake fallen leaves… Check. Stock up on candy for Halloween trick-or-treaters… Check. Put together this year’s annual 401(k) plan notices… Check?! Consider this a gentle...
by cpaadmin | Sep 15, 2023 | 401k Audit Firm, 401k Communication, Auditor, Fiduciary, Plan Sponsors
There are many service providers on your 401(k) plan team. Here’s what their roles are and what to expect from each of them. To keep your 401(k) plan sustainable, successful, and compliant with IRS and Department of Labor regulations, it’s important to know who’s who,...
by cpaadmin | May 15, 2023 | 401k Audit Firm, 401k Audit Time, 401k Communication, 401k Plan Audit, Audit Procedures, Auditor, How to choose an auditor, Plan Sponsors
Plan sponsors and advisors, building a relationship with your 401k or benefits plan auditor is better than any questionnaire. Here’s why. No matter if you’re a 401(k) plan sponsor or advisor, you know your decisions have a major impact on plan administration and...
by cpaadmin | Aug 16, 2022 | 401k Communication
Things that “aren’t your problem” before the introduction of your 401(k) very much become your problem once you have a plan to administer–especially when reviewed in light of irregularities or questions about your plan. It’s a matter of when, not if. Either it will be...