by cpaadmin | Oct 15, 2023 | 401k Audit Firm, 401k Audit Oversight, 401k Plan Audit, Auditor, How to choose an auditor, Plan Sponsors, Virtual Audits
Wondering how to choose the right 401(k) plan auditor for your organization? Here’s what to look for—and avoid—in selecting your auditing firm. If your company’s 401(k) plan is considered “large,” you must have an independent firm audit your plan’s financial...
by cpaadmin | Dec 16, 2021 | 401k Audit Firm, 401k Plan Audit, 401k Plan Mistakes, Audit Insights, Auditor, Plan Sponsors, Virtual Audits
You probably already know your 401k plan must satisfy certain plan qualification requirements enforced by the IRS. But what you may not know is that if your plan fails to meet these requirements you, the employer and plan fiduciary, may be subject to personal...
by cpaadmin | Jun 16, 2021 | 401k Audit Firm, 401k Audit Oversight, 401k Plan Audit, 401k Plan Audit Documentation, Audit Procedures, Virtual Audits
We all know that 401k plans provide benefits to employees and employers alike, offering enhanced retirement security for workers and acting as an enticement when recruiting new employees. But for those charged with managing 401k oversight, these popular plans bring...
by cpaadmin | Apr 19, 2021 | 401k Audit Firm, 401k Plan Audit, Audit Procedures, Personal Protected Information, Virtual Audits
With more people than ever working from home, the convenience and ease of digital filing systems are more relevant than ever. This fact was driven home early last year when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. As offices locked down, our team at Cassell Plan Audits quickly...
by cpaadmin | Mar 20, 2021 | 401k Audit Firm, Personal Protected Information, Virtual Audits
When the pandemic hit in 2020, some of our customers faced an unexpected curveball. We’ve been doing virtual 401k audits for years, but many companies had maintained their relevant audit records on paper … until last year. COVID revealed a compliance gap that hadn’t...
by cpaadmin | Nov 25, 2020 | Gratitude, Virtual Audits
As we enter into the 2020 holiday season, we at Cassell Plan Audits have been reflecting on gratitude. It’s always meaningful to consider what we’re thankful for, but in 2020, it feels even more important to put our thoughts down on paper . . . virtually, anyway. For...