by cpaadmin | Jun 15, 2023 | 401k Audit Oversight, 401k Compliance, 401k Plan Audit, 5500, Audit Procedures
A new DOL policy means you may not need a 401(k) plan audit. On February 23, the Department of Labor, IRS, and Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation unveiled major changes to employee benefits plan reporting. Small businesses rejoice as a new Department of Labor rule...
by cpaadmin | May 15, 2023 | 401k Audit Firm, 401k Audit Time, 401k Communication, 401k Plan Audit, Audit Procedures, Auditor, How to choose an auditor, Plan Sponsors
Plan sponsors and advisors, building a relationship with your 401k or benefits plan auditor is better than any questionnaire. Here’s why. No matter if you’re a 401(k) plan sponsor or advisor, you know your decisions have a major impact on plan administration and...
by cpaadmin | Feb 15, 2023 | 401k Audit Time
We know, nobody loves to do an audit. (If you did, you’d be working here.) 401(k) audits may look time-consuming, but nothing about them is left to chance. The more organized you are, the easier they can be. It’s never too late to take action and make things a little...
by cpaadmin | Mar 6, 2020 | Audit Procedures
Your company has reached that “sweet spot” you know your staffing volume has grown and a benefit audit is imminent. Maybe you’re wondering if the accounting firm you’re with has the ability to manage this huge and important task. At Cassell Plan Audits we partner...