by cpaadmin | Jun 15, 2024 | 401k Compliance, 401k Plan Audit, Audit Procedures, Preparing for a 401(k) audit, Regulations & Policies
Here’s how to determine the number of qualifying participants for your 401(k) audit. The total number of participants with balances in your retirement plan drives how the IRS Code and the Department of Labor see your plan. For audit purposes, this definition...
by cpaadmin | Feb 15, 2024 | 401k Plan Audit Documentation, Plan Sponsors, Preparing for a 401(k) audit, Regulations & Policies
As a seasoned plan sponsor, this is not your first audit. Here is a quick-and-easy checklist for your next 401(k) plan audit so you catch what may have changed—on your side or the regulatory side — to ensure that your next audit is as painless and efficient as...
by cpaadmin | Jan 15, 2024 | 401k Plan Audit, Audit Insights
We learn the most indelible lessons from our mistakes, right? This year, save yourself (and your auditor!) time and headaches by learning from someone else’s mistakes. Fresh out of this year’s audit season, it’s time for our annual look back at the most common errors...
by cpaadmin | Dec 15, 2023 | 401k Compliance, Employee Addition, Plan Sponsors, Record Retention, Regulations & Policies, SECURE Act
It’s official! The IRS (finally!) released guidance on the new treatment of LTPT employees (long-term part-time) vis-a-vis your 401(k) plan. And not a moment too soon! Changes are effective 1-1-24. Here’s what you need to know to treat LTPT employees properly in the...
by cpaadmin | Aug 15, 2023 | 401k Compliance, Merger & Acquisitions, Record Retention, Uncategorized
Don’t get surprised at audit time. Stay compliant when handling the 401(k) or benefits plans during a merger or acquisition. Merging or holding companies? Buying a business? “What will happen to our 401(k)?” is a question that rarely comes up. But the last...