by cpaadmin | Oct 15, 2024 | 401k Auto-Enrollment, 401k Communication, 401k Compliance, Employee Addition, Regulations & Policies, Safe Harbor 401(k)
Autumn is well underway, and with it comes those seasonal tasks: Hire the neighborhood kid to rake fallen leaves… Check. Stock up on candy for Halloween trick-or-treaters… Check. Put together this year’s annual 401(k) plan notices… Check?! Consider this a gentle...
by cpaadmin | Dec 15, 2023 | 401k Compliance, Employee Addition, Plan Sponsors, Record Retention, Regulations & Policies, SECURE Act
It’s official! The IRS (finally!) released guidance on the new treatment of LTPT employees (long-term part-time) vis-a-vis your 401(k) plan. And not a moment too soon! Changes are effective 1-1-24. Here’s what you need to know to treat LTPT employees properly in the...
by cpaadmin | Mar 15, 2023 | 401k Compliance
ADP, Gusto, Paychex, and the rest… they make payroll (and life) easier. Small businesses can save millions of dollars a year by forgoing an internal payroll department and outsourcing to one of these respected companies. But watch out! Changing payroll providers...
by cpaadmin | Feb 15, 2023 | 401k Audit Time
We know, nobody loves to do an audit. (If you did, you’d be working here.) 401(k) audits may look time-consuming, but nothing about them is left to chance. The more organized you are, the easier they can be. It’s never too late to take action and make things a little...
by admin | Apr 8, 2016 | Audit Procedures
401(k) plan audits can be a lengthy and grueling process. Both the IRS and the U.S. Department of Labor hold plan sponsors to strict rules and regulations regarding the administration of these plans, and if not adhered to properly, fines may be imposed or the plans...