by cpaadmin | Oct 15, 2024 | 401k Auto-Enrollment, 401k Communication, 401k Compliance, Employee Addition, Regulations & Policies, Safe Harbor 401(k)
Autumn is well underway, and with it comes those seasonal tasks: Hire the neighborhood kid to rake fallen leaves… Check. Stock up on candy for Halloween trick-or-treaters… Check. Put together this year’s annual 401(k) plan notices… Check?! Consider this a gentle...
by cpaadmin | Mar 15, 2024 | 401k Plan Audit, 401k Plan Audit Documentation, Audit Deadlines, Audit Procedures, Preparing for a 401(k) audit
For employers or plan sponsors with 401(k) plans with 100 or more participants with balances, here’s how to prepare for your first 401(k) plan audit. Step One: Determine whether your 401(k) plan requires an independent audit. Firstly, who makes this determination? ...
by cpaadmin | Jul 15, 2023 | 401k Compliance
Don’t require a full-scale audit? There’s an alternative: agreed-upon procedures. In our last blog, we discussed changes to 401(k) audit requirements that mean many small and mid-sized businesses won’t need a formal annual 401(k) audit. To summarize: As a...
by cpaadmin | Jun 16, 2021 | 401k Audit Firm, 401k Audit Oversight, 401k Plan Audit, 401k Plan Audit Documentation, Audit Procedures, Virtual Audits
We all know that 401k plans provide benefits to employees and employers alike, offering enhanced retirement security for workers and acting as an enticement when recruiting new employees. But for those charged with managing 401k oversight, these popular plans bring...